Neo-Shamanic Healing

Journeying through Landscapes
Shamanic medicine and healing is centred on the health of the individual and the community they operate in. The role of the shaman depends largely on the cultural context in which they operate but usually can be seen to be as a herbalist, counsellor, seer and psychic divinator, healer and ceremonial leader. Traditional Shamans go through years of rigorous training and initiations and many die in the process. A shamanic practitioner has not officially gone through initiations, but uses the tools and techniques that all shamans apply. Shamans and shamanic practitioners assist clients through accessing the full spectrum of consciousness. This can be achieved by entering trance or journeying by accessing altered states of consciousness. From this altered state, they are able to effect healing and become a medium between energy and form. The purpose in doing so is to locate the source of any impediment in an individual’s aura or field and eliminate or alter it as well as retrieve information in the form of metaphor that can serve as guidance.
Neo- Shamanic healing is a holistic approach to health where everything is interconnected. It incorporates a number of different elements, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Shamanic Healing views that all problems derive from a spiritual imbalance. Through working with Ancestors, guides and totems, shamanic practitioners are able to influence these disharmonies whist in an altered state to restore balance. Shamanic healing tools that may be employed include guided meditation, breathwork, pressure point work, psychic surgery, journeying, ritual, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, bodywork and sound therapy such as chanting and drumming. These can be used in conjunction with other natural therapies such as herbal medicine, counselling and meditation. Its holistic nature means that it can be used to treat people with a range of conditions including physical and emotional pain, depression and addictions.
In summary, the practices of Shamanism involves making conscious connection with that which is Spirit or life, that which is sacred — all things. Healing can be accomplished through this connection by working directly to create greater balance and harmony of energy and spirit, and bringing back to the ordinary world awareness from the spirit world.
To do healing works of any kind a shaman will typically journey to the spiritual cause of problems. A particular problem of everyday life might have very different spiritual causes. In other words, illness that looks exactly the same symptomatically in two different people might be the manifestation of different underlying situations. In one person, depression and fatigue can be caused from a spiritual injury to the heart; while the same symptoms might be caused by excessive worry in another.
And once the shaman gains understanding, he/she has a variety of ways of working the client with the desire of healing.
Shamanic sessions start at 1.5 hours, but can go as long as 4 hours – depending on the client's available time and the desired outcome. Some of the methods used in Shamanic Healing sessions include:
• Guided meditation
• Emotional clearing
• Connecting to Higher Self
• Nature-based healing
• Breathwork & rebirthing
• Pressure point work
• Emotional release work
• Psychic surgery
• Aromatherapy
• Rock & crystal stone therapy
• Bodywork
• Sound therapy including chanting & drumming
• Spiritual journeying
• The Medicine Wheel
Please note that not all of the above will be used in a single session but a combination of a few of these could be used in your session. Shamanic healing sessions are gentle, yet highly effective in confronting issues.