Claiming back the traits of the divine masculine

Dear Hearts,
It has been a tough two weeks with the full moon in Capricorn and Saturn so close by. For me personally, dealing with extreme core issues that included stepping up into responsibility. I don’t think any rock was left unturned that did not bring up the places in my psyche and in life where I was not living in the divine masculine with integrity. Being asked to step in personally, in business, physical labour and paving the way for the new manifestation that I had envisioned last spring and summer.
This vital threshold carries the energy of the Elder but more specifically Cronos, Grandfather Time. As we continue to bring the light back into our lives as Spring returns, we are still in the South travelling sunwise on the dreaming wheel continuing to the East, where in Spring the aspiration seeds are given a chance to be planted on your heart path. Slow and steady or fast and hard it is up to you to win the race. However, Cronos reminds us that time is all consuming and must be used wisely if we are to overcome this challenge on the quest.
It is important at to question (as always) what are the traits of the masculine that you would like to see manifest and embody as you move forward towards the horizon. The patriarchy and men in general have been given a bad rap socially in history and as an energy some even try to emasculate by disowning specifics traits that are deemed to be life negating.
However, these qualities that we sift through are neither positive nor negative when used with discernment and balance. Owning or releasing these values thoughts and beliefs are very connected to the father figure and the examples thereof that we received in life. And so, there comes a time when we have to allow the divine masculine within to parent our inner child. The habits that lay within the subconscious of paternal self-sabotage are making their way to be seen and decided upon. In this crucial time, we have the choice. Will we repeat the patterns of the forefathers?
We are being supported as always by Spirit and the cosmos and if you continue with the hard work and determination, the Solar eclipse/new moon on July 12th will assist the transformation in integration of the new in all areas worked upon. Destructive limiting beliefs can be turned into the blessing with focus and hard work. Surrender to what you cannot control and wait for the whispers in the south from the ancestors and from the spirit of you. Welcome in the Light.
Ritual – Claiming Back Your Royalty

I believe that we all have a sense of royalty within our paternal lines. It is something that I think that our inner child craves for, to be a prince or a princess. And in many ways, over and over again we have been told through childhood stories that worth comes from this idea of wealth and prestige. Ruling over our internal/external kingdoms.
For many of us, this forms a barrier and although we still may have an internal quest with a princess to win over and a castle to achieve, we fall short. Self-sabotage and the ramblings of our negative thought traps stop us from seeing who we truly are and the traits we carry as divine sparks of the creator. We believe that because we have not a title (whatever that may be) that we may not be worthy or perhaps because we were not born into certain privileges we ae not deserving of achieving joy, love, happiness and confidence. These ideas of limited worth may have been placed upon your soul prior and certainly since birth. Yet how many are true?
Find a quiet place in nature or in your home.
Set up a circle or wheel and sit in the South.
Move your consciousness to observing your belly as it breathes in and out.
Start to observe your heartbeat in your chest. Take some time and allow your heart to open with every in breathe. Find the place between where you feel safe and secure. Let the sensation of peace wash over you.
From this place of neutrality, ask your internal guidance, the wisdom in the South to speak to you of the divine masculine traits that you embody. Allow an image of your divine masculine to appear.
**Draw this image, placing the traits on the back.
Now move your awareness to your breathe,
Watch as your nostrils take in the air and move to your lungs. Watch the oxygen move into your blood.
Invite your life giving ancestors to speak from this place of awareness as you continue to observe the blood around your body. Observe any sensations and or thoughts that come about. Images may also arise from the stillness. Note these in a journal.
Ask the question of the Ancestors.
What are the divine masculine traits that you hold within your paternal bloodline?
Have a conversation about your ancestors about the divine masculine and claim these back within your lineage.
Thanks the Ancestors and Thank the South.
On your ancestral alter, ensure that you place a representation of your conversation and something to bless them. Candles and perhaps something that they would have enjoyed in life.
When we honor the ancestors, we give them energy to continue to open doors and the way on our path.
Sena x
Your ancestors can not leave you or disappear from you. They are a constant support of wisdom and exist in your blood. By going within, you are able to observe the small pearls of wisdom in order to create more flow, peace, joy, happiness, resilience, courage and compassion in your life. This is different from learnt knowledge and can on be accessed through moving beyond the go in an altered state. It is in this place that we also find divine inspiration and creativity. However, these space can only be reached when one feels safe and held in their environment. The Dreaming wheel provides this holding.