The Ancestral Golden Shadow
Winter Solstice June 21st Midwinter – Southern Hemisphere

This amazing astrological event marks the time when the point where we see ourselves starting to move out of winter and towards spring where we will be rebirthed into our manifestations. On Thursday the 21st of June, the earth experiences 14hours of darkness and we see the longest night of the year. Known as Midwinter, the Solstice can be seen metaphorically as the point where our psyches move out of the darkness and start to see the light. We are surrounded by such myths as Persephone as the universe aligns to our internal dialogue of letting go.
This means we are finally ready to move from the dark night of the soul and see the clarity that we need for the challenges that have braced us since the end of summer. And so we start to sieve through what it is of thoughts values and beliefs we need or can shift, transform into a life giving code of integrity.
As you start to wake up from Winter, it is important to self-care and focus on healing. You are being support cyclically by nature and therefore any work on yourself will be amplified. Supporting yourself through the dark night is a form of self-love. When we can pamper ourselves with healing, we open to self-love which ultimately allows confidence, courage, creativity and resilience. Focus on your bliss and what you loved to do as a child. This will open to wonder and enquiry, whereby you will be inspired to create.
Shamanically, we are placed on the Dreaming Wheel in the South. This is the place of still waters that run deep. Life giving blood. The place of Wisdom, the ancestors and bone seed. Warrigal the Dingo, Marumna the Whale. We are asked to travel down to the depths of out being. To sit silently and wait. Unlike the silence of the North. The South poses a reassuring quality. For it is here that we find our medicines and the gifts of the golden shadow. If we are patient enough and brave enough to call out we find that anything is possible in this void. For what you are calling is also calling you. And manifestations are indeed possible come Spring.
BE WARNED! This is also the place of the trickster, so follow your intuition towards your life giving choices and start to ground in the opportunities that are to be birthed. There will be doubts that show up however, the light will start to return and mental strength and vitality regained. Watch for bogus opportunities that are egoic based rather than of service of Spirit. This is the trickster at play. The true opportunities lay await with the connection to the ancestors and the blood. So find time to settle your thoughts and go within. Ask the question what are my gits? You may ask What are my ancestral gifts? Wait in receivership for the answers.

Mindfulness and Mediumship
Find a quiet place in nature or in your home.
Set up a circle or wheel and sit in the South.
Move your consciousness to observing your belly as it breathes in and out.
Watch as your nostrils take in the air and move to your lungs. Watch the oxygen move into your blood.
Invite your life giving ancestors to speak from this place of awareness as you continue to observe the blood around your body. Observe any sensations and or thoughts that come about. Images may also arise from the stillness. Note these in a journal.
Ask the question of the Ancestors. What are your discarded gifts that lie within the golden shadow. How can strengthen the connection to my medicine and continue to walk the path of my heart come this Spring. Continue to note the observations that come.
Your ancestors can not leave you or disappear from you. They are a constant support of wisdom and exist in your blood. By going within, you are able to observe the small pearls of wisdom in order to create more flow, peace, joy, happiness, resilience, courage and compassion in your life. This is different from learnt knowledge and can on be accessed through moving beyond the go in an altered state. It is in this place that we also find divine inspiration and creativity. However, these space can only be reached when one feels safe and held in their environment. The Dreaming wheel provides this holding.
Happy Winter Solstice Dear Hearts! Looking forward to hearing about your personal rituals and shifts! Watch your thoughts, we are in a very powerful place at the moment. Thought become things come Spring.
I have been getting recommendations for blogs and courses and information so here are some references: