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Winter Warmers -Two Masks to Every Tail.

Writer: MakedaMakeda

Using Mask Work to find the Balance within our psyche and owning qualities we would like to embody as we are rebirthed this Winter

Dear Hearts,

The last two weeks have been extremely grounding. The end of the Taurean energy of earth has asked us to look at our environments and stabilising the wants and needs of our physical world. For me, this has manifested in a move and setting up a house, a new relationship of growth, a potential new business opportunity and a chance to step up as a mother. With all of these new creations being birthed into the world, chaos and fear is sure to be present with the breaking down of the ego or human consciousness.

This small death and rebirth is supported by the new moon in Gemini which asks us to find balance in our lives. In this full darkness of the moon, we can journey to the centre and ask the questions of ourselves pertaining to who we are and the masks that we wear. Gemini, an air sign and known to govern the mental realm as well as thought direction and examines what we are manifesting and how closely we are on the path of our hearts. With every mask being brought to the surface, you decide which you wear and when, if at all you wear any masks. We see the life negating masks of fear and the life affirming masks of love. Yet, even then are these twin faces are not always completely black and white and we have to sieve through the grey areas of our life to make things clear. However, even within ourselves there lies a trickster and fearful decision will be coated love.

With this comes the connection between thoughts and emotion. Emotion comes from the heart and is known to, on a vibrational level, send out a higher hertz frequency. This will mean that despite all the positive intentions if your emotions are not balanced, your manifestations will fall short. The new moon will allow you to see and balance out where you give too much energy or too little. The hardest decision is to act, follow through, change a habit or face a fear. In the next two weeks you will find that you may have to act on finding that balance with the centre of your being.

Moving towards a Full Moon in Capricorn will further challenge this calculation of the internal self. For the next week, until the winter solstice on June 21st, it is important to sit on any life changing forward movement. We are still in the winter of our psyche and are letting go. Once the Solstice passes and the moon is full, the manifestations of this important healing will become clear.

As we continue to move towards the centre and define our thoughts value and beliefs, we are supported and our curses through lessons become blessings. This is something that I have witnessed over and over again. Though without this definition of who you are, you can be influenced by outside opinion and popular belief. This last week of winter provides the opportunity to again.

LET GO the thought processes that you no longer want.

The belief structures that have held you in fear and your heart path purpose.


The ones that keep you up at night!


The Masks You Wear

I love using masks and archetypal work to assist me in defining who I am. And with this New Moon in Gemini what better time!


In a safe place, find the time to start defining what qualities you would like to embody as you are rebirthed this winter and what qualities you would like to let go. Some qualities may be new and some may be old and need refining. Be honest with yourself. We all have a shadow that we are not proud of. Some of these qualities we need and are useful, some however stop us from achieving joy, love, happiness and confidence.

On two separate mask, write the qualities of both the rebirthed and the old. Take some time to decorate and embellish the mask as you see fit. You can use pencils, crayons, paint, ribbons, wool, buttons whatever calls you and the mask.

Place the masks on you alter, personal teminos or place that you will see them regularly. As your thoughts come up, life negating or life giving, dialogue with the masks. Start to categories which value these beliefs belong to.

When we can define a thought to be a quality we no longer desire it can become easier to let it go.

On or after the 21st June, think of a way that you would like to let go of the mask. I like to use nature and the elements. I find that this assist me to metaphorically let go. You may burn, bury, send out to ocean on a rip or attach it to a helium balloon!! Whatever you decide, make sure that the process is one that you can walk away from. Journal the process.

When you are ready, there may come a time that you feel to place on the mask with your qualities on. Go to your safe place. Take a deep breath and centre yourself. Put the mask on. Allow these new and old strengthened qualities to wash over and into you. Let the mask move you. Walk in these qualities. Journal about how it felt to be moved and move within balance.

As time prevails, you may see that these qualities or new habits formations are no longer and effort or something that you have to do. That these comes naturally to you as an authentic expression of your being.


Makeda x



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