What Is Transpersonal Art Therapy?
Art Therapy is transformative client-centred counselling technique based upon creative expression. It allows for questions to be answered beyond the mind and ego and connects to the source of the concern. It provides awareness of the issue as well as tools that can assist with self-improvement. Art Therapy is a holistic approach which incorporates mind, body, emotion and spirit unleashing the creative intuitive spirit within. This allows the mind to open up to kinds of healing seldom seen with other therapies.
Transpersonal art therapy assists in uncovering the reasons how these issues can exist within our psyche. Without the need to revisit or relive trauma, Art Therapy provides a creative avenue when words cannot be found. You do not have to be able to draw to participate as most revelations comes from symbols and meaning. They do not have to be represented in a elaborate fineart sketch though it can if that's what calls.